====== Toolbar Class ====== [[https://github.com/LibreCAD/LibreCAD_3/blob/master/lcUI/widgets/toolbar.h|Github Link]] namespace lc::ui::api ---- ===== Add Tab ===== ---- ==== Description ==== Add toolbar tab to the toolbar of the given name or by pointer to existing toolbar tab. * Toolbar Tab Name - //string// * returns //ToolbarTab// * Toolbar Tab - //ToolbarTab*// ==== Examples ==== * local toolbar = mainWindow:toolbar() local tab1 = toolbar:addTab("Tab1") * local tab1 = gui.ToolbarTab("Tab1") local toolbar = mainWindow:toolbar() toolbar:addTab(tab1) ---- ===== Remove Tab ===== ---- ==== Description ==== Remove toolbar tab from the toolbar of the given name or by pointer to existing toolbar tab. * Toolbar Tab Name - //string// * Toolbar Tab - //ToolbarTab*// ==== Examples ==== * local toolbar = mainWindow:toolbar() toolbar:removeTab("Tab1") * local toolbar = mainWindow:toolbar() toolbar:removeTab(tab1) ---- ===== Find Tab ===== ---- ==== Description ==== Find tab by label. * Toolbar Tab Label - //string// * returns //ToolbarTab// ==== Examples ==== * local tab1 = toolbar:tabByName("Tab1") ---- ===== Remove Group By Name ===== ---- ==== Description ==== Remove toolbar group by name in given tab. Second parameter is optionaly and by default is the "Quick Access" tab. * Toolbar Group Label - //string// , Toolbar Tab Label - //string// ==== Examples ==== * toolbar:removeGroupByName("Group1", "Tab1") ----