**Registration** for new accounts has been **disabled** because of the enormous count of fake registrations! \\ Anyhow, for reading no account is needed, everything is freely available. \\ \\ If you want to become a part of the community and contribute to the wiki, send your honest request to wiki(a)librecad.org and we're happy to create an account for you. ====== Introduction ====== **Welcome to the LibreCAD Wiki for tutorials and how-to!** It is assumed you are familiar with the [[https://librecad.org|LibreCAD website]] overview of: * [[https://librecad.org/#home|Application description and key links]] * [[https://librecad.org/#about|Background]] * [[https://librecad.org/#features|Key features]] * [[https://librecad.org/#download|Download and install]] * [[https://librecad.org/#joinus|Community involvement]] * [[https://librecad.org/#sponsors|Friends and sponsors]] More detail is available in this wiki and the user manual described in the next section. {{start:librecad_screenshot_2.1.3.png|Screenshot of LibreCAD 2.1.3}} **LibreCAD** has a **free software** [[https://github.com/LibreCAD/LibreCAD/blob/master/LICENSE|licence]]. ===== LibreCAD capabilities ===== * Partial support of Autodesk DWG format (importing only). * Support of Autodesk DXF open format (import and export). It is LibreCAD main format. * Export in PDF format and image format (PNG, SVG, bitmap). * Support of MakerCAM SVG format. **To be confirmed** * Line, circle, arc, polyline, spline. * Entity modification: move/duplicate, mirror, scale, offset, trim, fillet, etc. * Cartesian and polar coordinate systems. * Local coordinates system: you can choose a new origin to input ang get coordinates. * Snap functions to accurately draw with end points, middle points, center of arcs, intersection of lines. * Hatch. * Blocks can be created and inserted. * Library to manage standard components through blocks (screw, windows, etc.). * Text annotation. * Dimensions: linear dimension aligned with feature, radius, diameter, leader. * Layer management: toggle for visibility and for printing, entity properties driven by layer properties (color, line width, type of line). * Print to a chosen scale. * Toolbars can be customized. * Several actions can be made through the command line. * Plugins developed to ease some tasks. * User Interface available in several languages.