============= LINE ============== ==== LINE: 2 Points ==== * click the {{:usage:2_points.png?|}} icon * specify **first point** (left-click) * specify **second point** * **Right-click** to 'back' or press 'Esc' to exit. {{ :usage:00-2_points.gif?}} {{ :usage:01-2_points_in_detail.gif? |}} ''2 points'' with more detail (tips for drawing a specific length of a line; type the BOLD one into command-line). * specify the First point (left-click). * **@50<0** for straight line. * **@50,50** for Square or **@50,30** for Rectangle. * **@60<120** for 60mm line at 120 degrees. (try {-} (minus) symbol before 'degree' and see what happen!!) ==== LINE: Angle ==== * click the {{:usage:angle.png?|}} icon * enter **angle** (see 'tool option') * enter **length** * specify **start, middle**, or **end** __snap__ __point__ * specify **position** * **Right-click** to 'back' or press 'Esc' to exit {{ :usage:02-angle.gif? |}} ==== LINE: Horizontal ==== * click the {{:usage:horizontal.png?|}} icon * enter **length** * specify **start, middle**, or **end** __snap__ __point__ * specify **position** * **Right-click** to 'back' or press 'Esc' to exit {{ :usage:03-horizontal.gif? |}} ==== LINE: Vertical ==== * click the {{:usage:vertical.png?|}} icon * enter **length** * specify **start, middle**, or **end** __snap__ __point__ * specify **position** * **Right-click** to 'back' or press 'Esc' to exit {{ :usage:04-vertical.gif? |}} ==== LINE: Rectangle ==== * click the {{:usage:rectangle.png?|}} icon * specify **first corner** * specify **second corner** * **Right-click** to 'back' or press 'Esc' to exit {{ :usage:05-rectangle.gif? |}} ==== LINE: Parallel through point ==== * click the {{:usage:parallel_through_point.png?|}} icon * select **entity** * specify through **point** (click at specific point or anywhere to repeat the process) * **Right-click** to 'back' or press 'Esc' to exit {{ :usage:06-parallel_through_point.gif? |}} ==== LINE: Parallel ==== * click the {{:usage:parallel.png?|}} icon * enter the **distance** and **number** of copies required OR * select **entities** and repeat it as required * **Right-click** to 'back' or press 'Esc' to exit {{ :usage:07-parallel.gif? |}} ==== LINE: Bisector ==== * click the {{:usage:bisector.png?|}} icon * enter **length** and **number** (from tool option) * select **first line** * select **second line** * **Right-click** to 'back' or press 'Esc' to exit {{ :usage:08-bisector.gif? |}} ==== LINE: Tangent (P,C) ==== * click the {{:usage:tangent_p_c_.png?|}} icon * specify **point** * select **circle, arc or ellipse** * **Right-click** to 'back' or press 'Esc' to exit {{ :usage:09-tangent_pc.gif? |}} ==== LINE: Tangent (C,C) ==== * click the {{:usage:tangent_c_c_.png?|}} * select **first circle or ellipse** * select **second circle or ellipse** * **Right-click** to 'back' or press 'Esc' to exit {{ :usage:10-tangent_cc.gif? |}} ==== LINE: Tangent Orthogonal ==== * click the {{:usage:tangent_orthogonal.png?|}} icon * select a **line** * select **circle, arc or ellipse** * **Right-click** to 'back' or press 'Esc' to exit {{ :usage:11-orthogonal_tangent.gif? |}} ==== LINE: Orthogonal ==== * click the {{:usage:orthogonal.png?|}} icon * select **line** * select **circle, arc or ellipse** * **Right-click** to 'back' or press 'Esc' to exit {{ :usage:12-orthogonal.gif? |}} ==== LINE: Relative Angle ==== * click the {{:usage:relative_angle.png?|}} icon * enter **angle** and **length** * select **base entity** * select **position** * **Right-click** to 'back' or press 'Esc' to exit {{ :usage:13-relative_angle.gif? |}} ==== LINE: Polygon [(Cen,Cor), (Cen,Tan), (Cor,Cor)] ==== * click the {{:usage:polygon_cen_cor_.png?|}} icon * enter **number** of sides as required * specify **center** * specify **corner** * click the {{:usage:polygon_cen_tan_.png?|}} icon * enter **number** of sides as required * specify **center** * specify **tangent** * click the {{:usage:polygon_cor_cor_.png?|}} icon * enter **number** of sides as required * specify **first corner** * specify **second corner** * **Right-click** to 'back' or press 'Esc' to exit {{ :usage:14-all_polygon.gif? |}}