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Translate LibreCAD in your language


English is used for developing LibreCAD code, for the GUI and for all the documentation. GUI translators ensure that the LibreCAD interface is available in other languages. GUI means all the menus, messages and commands visible to the user.

The list of languages available is given at LibreCAD Translation Server. Each language is supported at a different level, some parts may not be translated yet due to a lack of translators or due to new features implemented.

How to translate?

For translating the GUI, no programming skills are needed! First, you need to register to set up your account. Then, you can make translation proposals.

If you are a new translator

Create an account on Weblate. You can create a new account, using an email address, or you can use OAuth with an existing account from various platforms.

Contributing to translations

For collaboration in translations, we use Weblate. They generously provide free plans for open-source projects like LibreCAD. Their service is well documented.

Components to translate

There are two components that are both needed for a complete translation of LibreCAD.

  • LibreCAD - is the main component, of the core application
  • Plugins - is the component for all the plugins

Maintenance mode

When a component is closed for maintenance, contributions are not possible. You can sign up for a notification when the component is unlocked.

community/contribute_translate.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/06 09:33 by lordofbikes